Webinar Recorded Webinar

Webinar – Helping Emerging Adults During COVID-19

December 8, 2020


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Launching… Or Not: Emerging Adults During COVID-19

With universities going virtual, internships unavailable, travel restricted, many parents are finding the unanticipated return of their children on the cusp of adulthood. In this webinar, join Myrna Harris, noted educational and therapeutic consultant and Diana Clark, Intent Clinical Chief of Clinical Operations, for a 30-minute discussion of what families are encountering and the strategies for promoting healthy adulthood in the middle of a pandemic.


We hope this webinar helps you learn some strategies for supporting the emerging adult(s) in your life as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. For more support in helping your loved ones adjust to life’s stressors and thrive, please contact us for a behavioral health or mental health support consultation today.



Two hands gently clasp another person's hand on a wooden table, symbolizing the support and comfort often found in a mental health clinic.

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