Natural Ways To Boost Your Energy For Those Slow Hours At The Office In Recovery

Professionals in the early phases of recovery might be triggered by those slow, dragging, late afternoon hours at the office. This is the time of day when professionals of all fields tend to turn toward something harmful to try and boost their energy to get through the rest of the day. Many turn to coffee, energy drinks, candy, sugary treats, binge snacking, and more. In our addictions, we might have turned to some kind of stimulant substance to get us through the rest of the afternoon, or perhaps a depressant substance to just cope with the time on our hands. Being in active recovery means no longer turning toward self-damaging behaviors to cope with anything in life, including slow hours at the office. There are healthy and safe ways to get through the slowest hours of the afternoon while maintaining balance in mind, body, and spirit.
Get out of fluorescent lighting and into the natural light
Part of the reason we get exhausted in the late afternoon hours is because we haven’t left the office. Our bodies need the vitamins we get from the sun and rely on the sun’s natural energy. Even super hero Superman needs to be recharged by the sun. Get out of the office and stand outside for a few moments, taking deep breaths and basking in the sunlight. Your body will thank you.
Eat healthy foods instead of sugary foods
Chia seeds are a ‘super food’ full of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which the brain needs to function efficiently. Eating raw chia seeds might not be appealing. Try making a chia seed pudding with some energy boosting fruits and nuts which will help you maintain your energy for the rest of the day by introducing more vitamins, nutrients, and healthy fats. You can keep chia seeds in your water bottle- a good reason to stay hydrated.
Check your hydration status
We don’t often associate our brain power or energy levels with our hydration. Our brains need water in order to stay awake and alert. We crash in the afternoon hours because we are dehydrated. Turning to caffeinated or sugar laden beverages may quench our thirst and perk our energy up but ultimately dehydrates us more. Drinking a tall glass of water can feel like turning our brains back on.
Pop a B12 vitamin
Vitamin B12 is known as the ‘energy vitamin’ and only comes from food or supplements. Our bodies cannot store vitamin B12 because it is water soluble, which means we have to feed our body this energy boosting vitamin. We can benefit from taking a B12 supplement in the afternoon.
Let the O’Connor Professional Group take the guesswork out of putting a treatment plan together. Our combined personal and professional experience empowers us to empower you with a private consultation and customized plan of action for getting the help you need. Call us today for information: 617 910-3940