Two men cooking together at a stovetop in a kitchen, one stirring a pan of food while the other stands nearby, smiling. Their shared culinary moment offers them a comforting pause, an essential aspect of self-care often emphasized in mental health treatment.

Meal Support

In-home, community-based, and virtual meal coaching services for individuals living with disordered eating challenges.

Our Meal Support Services

With experience supporting individuals with all types of eating disorder diagnoses, our team of experts work closely with clients and their teams to develop and employ individualized recovery plans to promote the application of positive coping strategies. From meal prepping, planning, and coaching to guided exposures at restaurants and grocery stores, we can support our clients when and where life happens.

Concierge Solutions

Emotional Support

Encouragement, reassurance, and validation from coaches, peers or professionals, plus strategies for managing difficulties that arise during meals.

Nutritional Guidance

Professional planning and education to help individuals make informed choices about their food intake to support overall health and well-being.

Compassion and Structure

Therapeutic coaching, whether hourly or live-in, for individuals with eating disorders through guided meal support, healthy movement, and mindful practices.

Two hands gently clasp another person's hand on a wooden table, symbolizing the support and comfort often found in a mental health clinic.

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