
Webinar – Resisting Weight Stigma

September 7, 2021

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O’Connor Professional Group Webinar – Collegial Conversations with Diana Clark – Resisting Weight Stigma 

In this week’s Collegial Conversation with Diana Clark, Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani joins Diana Clark to discuss medical complications of eating disorders and the importance of weight-inclusive care.

Jennifer L. Gaudiani, MD, CEDS-S, FAED, is the Founder and Medical Director of the Gaudiani Clinic. Board Certified in Internal Medicine, she completed her undergraduate degree at Harvard, medical school at Boston University School of Medicine, and her internal medicine residency and chief residency at Yale. Dr. Gaudiani served as the Medical Director at the ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders prior to founding the Gaudiani Clinic, which is a Denver-based outpatient medical clinic dedicated to people with eating disorders and disordered eating. The Gaudiani Clinic is a HAES (Health At Every Size)®-informed provider and embraces treating people of all shapes, sizes, ages, and genders. The Gaudiani Clinic is licensed to practice in over 35 US states via telemedicine and offers international professional consultation and education.

Dr. Gaudiani has lectured nationally and internationally, is widely published in the scientific literature as well as on blogs, is a Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders, and is a recent former member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Eating Disorders and the Academy for Eating Disorders Medical Care Standards Committee. Dr. Gaudiani’s first book, Sick Enough: A Guide to the Medical Complications of Eating Disorders (Routledge,2018) is available on Amazon.

Watch the full webinar with Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani here!

We hope you’ve found this webinar on the impact of eating disorders and the importance of weight-inclusive care, helpful for you and your family. If you would like additional help with finding the appropriate mental health support for your loved ones, please contact us today for a consultation.

Two hands gently clasp another person's hand on a wooden table, symbolizing the support and comfort often found in a mental health clinic.

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