Ayanna Davis, also known as Phenomenally Autistic, joins Diana to discuss her unique path to navigating autism as a black artist. Autism is often overlooked within the black community in America. Ayanna actively promotes the recognition of autism, using her art to express love, joy, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Alongside her advocacy, she has faced various health challenges commonly associated with an autism diagnosis. Meeting Ayanna is an enriching experience. Her strength and perseverance radiate through every facet of her journey.




  • [:29] Diana introduces Ayanna Davis, also known as Phenomenally Autistic

  • [1:36] Ayanna describes her feelings of being different and how she learned she was autistic

  • [4:39] Ayanna talks about her confusion about the diagnosis and what her childhood was like

  • [7:22] Ayanna speaks about the role art plays in her life

  • [9:13] Ayanna talks about her history of seizures, and she reveals what she expects 2024 to look like

  • [11:26] Ayanna explains how she named herself phenomenally autistic and how music plays a part in her life




  • [1:22] When you are an artist and autistic, some people will feel you are eccentric because of your artistic nature and not realize the underlying cause of your actions.

  • [4:21] Once Ayanna learned of her diagnosis, she began to express her “true self.”

  • [8:02] Ayanna’s neurodiversity allows her to see the world differently, as is apparent in her writing of children’s books.




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Meet Ayanna, aka Phenomenally Autistic, an autism advocate advocating for black autistics to gain proper resources & visibility raised in Westchester County, New York. Along with being autistic, she has survived over 300 seizures, lives with Chronic illnesses, and has five autoimmune diseases. Still, she doesn’t let that stop her from spreading her messages of self-love, joy, equality, diversity, inclusion & autism acceptance through the Arts.

Beyond The Balance Sheet Podcast
Beyond The Balance Sheet Podcast
Phenomenally Autistic: An Artist's Story with Ayanna Davis