Mike Richter’s Journey: Life Beyond the Ice
Following a 15-year career with the New York Rangers, Mike Richter is now a key spokesperson for environmental issues such as resource efficiency and climate change. Mike serves as president of Brightcore Energy, a provider of end-to-end energy efficiency solutions to the commercial market. Arden and Mike discuss his retirement from professional hockey and how he has navigated challenging times of tragedy and loss. We talk about family, business, and how to regain identity and purpose after major life changes.
- [01:40] Mike shares about his transition from hockey to his next career in sustainability
- [04:10] What the similarities are between being a professional hockey player and leading out in the sustainability and resource efficiency sector
- [07:27] Mike talks about the loss of identity after retiring and how he moved forward
- [11:49] What Mike has learned from tragedy and loss
- [16:05] What can be learned from others who have navigated similar loss of identity and purpose
- [20:57] How Mike views hockey and sports for his kids
- [28:12] What hopes and dreams do you have for the future
- Some say that business isn’t personal. For Mike, it is personal when people are involved. Managing people’s strengths and weaknesses is personal and something that requires a certain type of awareness and discipline.
- At some point you have to have set expectations of yourself that are beyond what other people expect of you. Whatever you pursue, do it with as much integrity and discipline.
- Starting over in a new career is scary. You have to put your ego aside in order to learn from those already established in the industry. Keep your ears open, mouth closed, and apply yourself and you’ll catch up sooner than you realize.
Episode Show Notes Page:
Mike Richter serves as president of Brightcore Energy, a provider of end-to-end energy efficiency solutions to the commercial market, including LED lighting conversions, commercial and community solar, high-efficiency renewable heating and cooling (geo thermal), electric vehicle (EV) charging and battery storage.
Richter, appointed to this role in 2015 at the time of the Company’s founding, handles business development and strategic opportunities.
He has become a key spokesperson for environmental issues, such as resource efficiency and climate change. He speaks frequently about environmental regulations and public policy before many audiences, including The Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crises. Throughout the past decade, Richter served on boards of the Sierra Club Foundation, The Nature Conservancy and Riverkeepers.
Following a 15-year career with the New York Rangers where he was a three-time NHL All-Star and Stanley Cup Champion and Olympic Medalist, Richter went on to receive his degree in Ethics, Politics and Economics with a concentration in Environmental Politics from Yale University.