Verne Troyer’s Death Sheds Light On Mental Health Struggles In Dwarfism

His struggles with alcoholism were not unknown. Unfortunately, at times during Verne Troyer’s career, his battle with alcohol addiction was exploited and used for entertainment, like during his time on The Surreal Life. After multiple hospitalizations for alcoholism, and attempts at sobriety, Verne Troyer lost his life. As of this writing, it has not been made clear as to whether or not the cause of death for Troyer was directly related to his alcoholism. His family released a statement to his social media channels explaining that he was actively struggling with both alcoholism and depression near the time of his passing.
Struggles with suicide, depression, and substance abuse are common for those living with dwarfism, according to Rebekah Bailey, a dwarfism advocate, who spoke with Men’s Health. She explained that “…depression and suicide among the community is a pretty common thing.” Substance abuse, she elaborated, is also common in the community, however, “It’s something that is prevalent but very rarely discussed.”
When issues like depression, thoughts of suicide, and substance abuse are not often discussed, they are layered with shame and stigma. If mental health struggles aren’t issues individuals feel they can talk about, there is little to no inspiration to talk about them. Though reaching out is always an option, it does not feel like one. As a result, the struggles become more apparent as the silence grows. Troyer’s family wrote “Depression and suicide are very serious issues. You never know what kind of battle someone is going through inside. Be kind to one another. And always know, it’s never too late to reach out to someone for help.”
Alcoholism are common partners, creating a co-occurring diagnosis. Treating comorbid disorders takes special care, assessment, and treatment planning. Too often, individuals go misdiagnosed or only receive treatment for one issue at a time. Concurrent treatment for dual diagnosis is not only possible, but entirely necessary.
If you or someone in your life is displaying symptoms of both depression and alcoholism, help is available. The O’Connor Professional Group offers concierge style services to ensure that you, your loved one, and your family get the help you need. Our custom services allow us to create a tailor made path for treatment, addressing all critical issues, and building a journey for success. Call us today for information: 617.910.3940