Why Therapeutic Recovery Coaching Could Be For You

After primary treatment at a residential or intensive outpatient level, your time in treatment is not yet over. The body of research supporting long term treatment options is growing, just as the rate of relapse is growing. People need to spend more than a short four weeks in treatment in order to heal and create the lifestyle changes necessary for long-term recovery. Some people are lucky enough to continue through a step down process at a treatment center, going from residential to partial hospitalization to inpatient to outpatient to transitional living and beyond. Unfortunately, there are circumstances which can get in the way of ongoing treatment, according to the traditional sense of treatment. People have jobs, families, and responsibilities they need to attend to. Going home might have to take priority over continuing to go to treatment. Thanks to the concierge behavioral health services offered by O’Connor Professional Group, there is a way to blend the best of step down treatment and transitioning into home life.
Therapeutic recovery coaching services are diverse and can be customized to meet any of your needs for bringing recovery home. After residential treatment, a therapeutic recovery coach can be a great asset when making adjustments to home life. Few people can understand the experience of mental illness, addiction, eating disorders, or other issues, like someone who has been through them and is trained to support recovery from them. A therapeutic recovery coach can also be utilized during outpatient services, which might take place closer to home at a different facility from primary treatment.
Recovery coaching takes different forms. Learning to live life outside of treatment is a whole new experience. Of course, the ultimate focus is to prevent relapse of any kind. A recovery coach helps prevent relapse by supporting your loved one in their recovery efforts. From time management and organization to getting in touch with executive functions again, a coach is more than a companion. Therapeutic recovery coaches help your loved one learn how to live again, keeping their recovery a focus. Like having a life coach or a sports coach, the recovery coach is there to cheer your loved one on, support them in their moments of struggle, and guide them where necessary.
As is the case with all of our services, the therapeutic recovery coach is carefully selected to meet the specific needs of the client. All of the coaches responsibilities are carefully outlined with the OPG team and your family in order to ensure your loved one is receiving exactly the support they need. Instead of struggling to integrate into home life, they have the closest support they can find, making their transition into living recovery seamless.
For more information on our concierge behavioral health services at O’Connor Professional Group, call us today: 617.910.3940