Should You Spring Clean Your Goals?

When we set goals, we often think of them as being set in concrete. Our goals are set. We cannot make our goals flexible, because we cannot make the results of achieving those goals flexible. We think of our goals as being set in stone and arrange our lives around them. Sometimes this makes sense and sometimes we are able to adhere steadfastly to the track we’ve put in place to accomplish what we have set out to accomplish. However, life has a habit of changing us. A few months into our goals we might want different goals. Our lives might have changed on the outside, or the inside, and led us to follow a different path toward a different goal. We might need an attitude change about our goals, a perspective shift, or need to take a different approach toward our goals. Before the year hits the halfway mark in July, we have an opportunity to spring clean our goals.
Tami Forman writes for Forbes, that spring cleaning, in her mind, is getting rid of “…anything weighing you down.” “This time of year is also a good time for a goals review because there’s about four months down with eight months left. That means it’s been long enough that we can adequately assess our progress with still plenty of time left to accomplish the things that matter.” Forman suggests three steps for spring cleaning your yearly goals.
First, she suggests reviewing your goals for relevancy. A lot can change in the course of a few months. Do your goals still feel important to you? Are they goals you are still willing to work toward? Look at how you have progressed in working toward these goals. Are you as far along as you wanted to be or needed to be? Where have you excelled in working toward your goals and where can you afford to improve on your work toward them?
Second, she suggests making a refresh on your goals. You might have achieved some of your goals in certain capacities already, but there is room to improve upon those goals. You might want to rewrite some of your goals, change your approach to the goals, or create micro goals to help you get to wherever you are going.
Third, Forman emphasizes that you need to recommit to your goals. If you haven’t looked at your goals for a few months and you haven’t been working toward them, recommitting to your goals will boost your enthusiasm and give you that push of motivation you need to start working toward them.
You can accomplish whatever goals you set out to accomplish. O’Connor Professional Group can take you there. Our concierge style behavioral health services help you and your family through the journey of recovery with custom treatment plans, services, and support. Call us today for information and to schedule a consultation: 617.910.3940