Pack Your Bags: You’re Heading to Treatment

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to go to treatment. Before you set out you should decide what to bring with you and know treatment centers can have strict rules about what you can and can’t bring. To assist you we have compiled the following Do’s and Don’ts:
Bring a list of all your medications which clearly sets out dosages and any current prescriptions in their pharmacy bottle bearing the script label. Liquid medications brought in should be new and sealed. Be certain, also, to bring your insurance cards, a form of identification bearing your photo, and a small amount of cash for outings. These will be logged in at intake and safely kept. Bring along a list of names of those you want involved in your treatment (including loved ones, sponsors and outside professionals) making sure you provide the complete name, address and telephone number of anyone listed. Be sure to bring a journal or notebook, envelopes and stamps if you would like to write letters and pictures of your loved ones as they will empower your success. You’ll have some down time so bring along something to read making certain it is appropriate reading material that will foster your recovery.
Don’t bring any valuable jewellery or items you don’t want misplaced.
In terms of clothing treatment centers generally have strict rules and a dress code. Therefore, we suggest you bring along the following items: comfortable shoes, pants, shorts of an appropriate length, a special outfit should the facility host a family night, undergarments, pajamas, a bathrobe, a coat, flip flops to wear to showering and slippers. Bring toiletries and cosmetics but no razors. Alcohol free mouthwash will be required.
Making a list of the above items and adhering to it will eliminate the anxiety and stress of what to bring. If there are items you are thinking about bringing but are uncertain about the quickest way to find the answer to your question is to simply call ahead to the treatment center and inquire.
Let the O’Connor Professional Group take the guesswork out of putting a treatment plan together. Our combined personal and professional experience empowers us to empower you with a private consultation and customized plan of action for getting the help you need. Call us today for information: 617 910-3940