One Small Way To Keep Life More Organized

Life in recovery can start moving fast. After years of suffering, you finally find freedom from the pain and unmanageability of addiction, alcoholism, or a number of other mental health problems. Finding therapeutic guidance and support from the team members of O’Connor Professional Group, you see life in a new realm of possibility. Life gets busy, takes on new meaning, and is filled with new pursuits of a new passions fueled by our recovery.
Before, during, and for some time after the process of our treatment, we can count on our team at OPG to keep our recovery organized. Our case managers keep all of our providers organized and on the same page. Our coaches and companions guide us, support us, and encourage us to make the most out of living in recovery. Each step of the way we feel supported until we graduated to full independence.
Our best hope is that our journey has given us the tools we need to keep our life organized and functioning well to support our mental and physical support. Keeping our life organized prevents us from experiencing debilitating overwhelm and stress which can trigger our most problematic symptoms and potentially trigger the process of relapse.
Stay Accountable
Accountability is not typically suggested as a means of organization. For individuals in recovery, it should be considered a foundation to living an organized life. The symptoms of mental health issues can inspire a number of disorganized thought patterns which lead can lead to lying, manipulating, or avoiding behaviors. The slope of dysfunctional behaviors is a slippery one. Accountability keeps individuals from falling. By standardizing a foundation of accountability, all loose ends are tied up as they should be, leaving little room for life’s many components to fall apart.
Accountability keeps us grounded in truth and reality, Without being held accountable, we are prone to shy away from what we’ve learned to be right in our recovery. Like a north star and a guiding compass, accountability keeps us heading in the direction of our goals by keeping us honest, present, and constantly in progress.
Let the O’Connor Professional Group take the guesswork out of putting a treatment plan together. Our combined personal and professional experience empowers us to empower you with a private consultation and customized plan of action for getting the help you need. Call us today for information: 617 910-3940