Addiction and Substance Use

When Monitoring is Necessary/When Monitoring is a Problem

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When Monitoring is Necessary/When Monitoring is a Problem

Monitoring programs are one of the many ways professionals in recovery can help maintain accountability after treatment. Each monitoring program is set up differently for each of our clients at OPG based on their unique needs and life circumstances. Monitoring programs can include anything from daily check ins with a case manager to reporting on 12-step meeting attendance. A client may include their spouse, family, office, therapists, or advising doctors in their monitoring program with regular accountability, reports, check ins, and more.

Taking part in a monitoring program is not a required part of recovery. For those who need help adjusting to a lifestyle of recovery, a monitoring program adds a necessary element of accountability as well as responsibility. Clients who quickly transition back into a career-driven life and the responsibilities of a career need extra support in maintaining responsibilities to recovery. Some professionals utilize a monitoring program in placement of a treatment program if the demands of their career or family don’t allow taking time off for care. The beneficial thing about a monitoring program is that it can be customized.

Families benefit from monitoring programs because of the close watch they can keep on a loved one. However, that close watch can quickly spin out of control with the wrong intentions.

Monitoring is necessary when…

  • …When a loved one struggles with chronic relapse and is especially challenged in maintaining any length of sobriety, or practicing parts of their sobriety like going to therapy.
  • …When a loved one is easily distracted from their recovery and quickly dives into too much responsibility without balance.
  • …When a loved one’s career is high stress with high demand and they need extra support to take care of themselves.
  • …When a loved one is struggling with acceptance of their recovery and has not relapsed, but has talked about doubting their need to stay sober after treatment.
  • …When comorbid disorders are present, like a personality disorder, a mood disorder, or an eating disorder.
  • …When there are other major life changes taking place at the same time as early recovery, like a career change, a divorce, legal issues, and more.
  • …When a loved one simply needs an extra element of accountability in their recovery lives.

Monitoring isn’t necessary when…

  • …When a family simply cannot trust in their loved one’s sobriety or commitment to their lifestyle of recovery.
  • …When families are exhibiting codependent behavior and want to control every aspect of their loved one’s lives.
  • …When a loved one has demonstrated full autonomy and ability in their recovery without need for extra accountability.
  • …When a loved one has not relapsed and does not show any signs of relapse.
  • …When families use monitoring to question a loved one’s actions and recovery, without due justice.
  • …When families use monitoring for guilt, shame, or any kind of dysfunctional or toxic manipulations which are more harmful for a loved one’s recovery than healthy monitoring would be helpful.

    Let the O’Connor Professional Group take the guesswork out of putting a treatment plan together. Our combined personal and professional experience empowers us to empower you with a private consultation and customized plan of action for getting the help you need. Call us today for information: 617 910-3940