Addiction and Substance Use

Why Should I Implement A Program Of Aftercare?

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Why Should I Implement A Program Of Aftercare?

When you go to the doctor, you leave with instructions. For example, when you are given a medication, the medication doesn’t just say “take this” and the doctor doesn’t just say, “see what happens”. There are specific instructions. Look out for these symptoms to tell if you are getting better. If this starts happening, call me immediately. Come back in two weeks for a check up. Avoid these foods. Get rest. Drink more water. Doctors offer you an aftercare plan for whatever your original issue was. One treatment, one visit, isn’t always the solution. Certain issues take time, maybe even a lifetime, of after care in order to keep tabs on the issue and prohibit any further complications from arising.

Repeated professional and personal experience is proving that just a short stay in treatment, like the common 30 day stay in a residential treatment program, is not enough. If someone has been living with a lifelong problem like a mental illness, or a long term problem like a drug or alcohol addiction, a mere 30 days is not sufficient for creating a lifetime of change. Change has to be ongoing. In order to support change, an individual in recovery needs to be supported. After care plans can include a range of lower tier treatment options, therapy, community support, and much more. Rather than offer a few weeks of treatment and expect someone to go out to live their life in a whole new way, after care helps with the transition to independence while fostering continued growth.

Lower levels of care

There are a few treatment options after residential treatment which can allow someone to return home, return to a job, return to school, and return to other life responsibilities. Partial hospitalization programs, or day treatment, intensive outpatient programs, and outpatient programs are all offered by different treatment facilities. These partial care programs offer more flexibility while providing ongoing care.

Custom aftercare plans

Continuing in a treatment program of any kind isn’t always an option for some, or the best option for others. O’Connor Professional Group can help you create a custom aftercare plan which suits your individual needs and lifestyle demands. Therapy, community support, a therapeutic recovery coach or a therapeutic recovery companion can all be part of a tailor made plan. Working with our management teams, your loved one will be closely monitored for ongoing success and development.

For information on our aftercare planning, treatment planning, and monitoring programs, call us today: (617) 910-3940