Mind, Body, Spirit, Why Holistic Healing Matters in Recovery

Though some healthcare professionals may dispute whether alternative holistic approaches are evidence based the majority of addiction counselors will opine that a holistic healing approach is essential to recovery.
In order to first understand what holistic healing is one must understand its’ principles. Holistic Healing is a treatment plan which encompasses the three factors mind, body and spirit and its theory is based in the theology that in order to have a successful recovery one must be “healed” in all three areas: the mind, the body and the spirit. It is further theorized it is only when all three factors are incorporated is someone able to properly and “wholly” heal from recovery.
Holistic healing includes the following belief systems:
- That in order for a body to recover from a depleted nutrition system one must maintain a healthy diet that will sustain and re-energize the body that has been denied healthy nutrients by addictive-dictated unhealthy diets;
- That proper exercise reinvigorates the body and provides the release of endorphins which leaves the body feeling good;
- A regimen of supplements refurbish the depleted body of the addictive individual;
- Recognizing and releasing emotions such as anger and resentment that lead to triggers to addiction;
- That support systems are essential to a successful recovery;
- That meditation and yoga help relax the body and put you at ease with a concentration on regaining a strong sense of spirit which includes peace and serenity;
- Finally, the act of service to others. It is the theory that in helping others it will leave you with a strong sense of self-gratification which will nourish your soul.
Medical specialists are trained to focus on a specialty in medicine dealing with only one problematic function. Generally, it is only Family Practitioners that have had to go through a rotation of general medicine specialties which gives them a higher understanding of the “collective whole” of a disease process. Much like Family Practitioners Addiction Specialists and Counselors firmly believe that addiction does not only involve the mind but that it instead involves all three components to reach successful recovery: mind, body and spirit. That is why holistic healing matters so much to recovery because it treats the healing of the addiction in its entirety and on all three levels thereby leading to a “collective whole” process of recovery.
Let the O’Connor Professional Group take the guesswork out of putting a treatment plan together. Our combined personal and professional experience empowers us to empower you with a private consultation and customized plan of action for getting the help you need. Call us today for information: 617 910-3940