Behavioral Health

Finding Success in College

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Returning to school after a period away can seem like a tall order. It can be taxing, both physically and mentally, for a variety of reasons. Maybe your balancing mental or behavioral health needs, maintaining a full-time job, or dealing with any other of the curveballs life throws at you. Whatever your unique difficulties may be, they do not have to deter you from being successful in pursuing an education. Here are some tips to get through college healthily and successfully.

Enroll in a Manageable Number of Courses

Getting through college is a marathon, not a sprint. When I returned to school after a long layoff, I made the mistake of registering for five classes on top of working 35 hours a week. Months of going from work to my night courses, then home to study and (hopefully) grab a bite to eat, left me burnt out. I had little to no free time, my performance at school was subpar, and I was miserable. The following semester I scaled back the amount I was working and took four courses, and my quality of life and performance improved considerably.

Utilize the Resources Offered by the University

Most universities have a variety of different resources at your disposal. If you’re struggling with a specific class, there’s a good chance that there are tutors appointed by the university to help with that specific subject. If you find yourself struggling to find sources for a paper, the librarians can typically locate materials for you in no time. If you’re stressed and need someone to talk to, many schools’ health departments have licensed counselors whom you can utilize free of charge to discuss anything on your mind, school related or not. Seek out accommodations for any health issue you may have. Often colleges and universities can accommodate both physical and mental health needs. Remember you aren’t in it alone and your school wants you to succeed.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

During the semester, many students will forego healthy habits such as preparing meals at home or exercising regularly, thinking this will allow them more time to dedicate to their studies and succeed at school. This is usually a false assumption. In fact, maintaining a nutritionally balanced diet and regularly exercising increases cognitive functioning, memory, energy levels, and feelings of wellbeing. This, in turn, can positively impact one’s academic performance. While it can be time-consuming, cultivating habits to maintain your mental and physical health is ultimately invaluable.

Make some Time for Leisure

There is no doubt that college can be a stressful and time-consuming rat race. This makes it all the more important to set aside time to do things you enjoy. Taking a day on the weekend to check out a new restaurant with some friends or participate in an intramural sports league can be incredibly rejuvenating mentally. Just because you have the responsibility of school on your plate does not mean that you should forego pursuing important personal relationships and activities you are passionate about. Make the time for yourself and recharge your batteries.

To learn more, contact O’Connor Professional Group today!