Addiction and Substance Use

Choosing A Treatment Program Can Be Tough

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Intent Clinical, Intent Clinical
Choosing A Treatment Program Can Be Tough

Go to the grocery store for a salad dressing without a specific brand, name, or type and be prepared to be overwhelmed. Few sections in the grocery store take up as much space as salad dressings. For every brand of salad dressing there are the typical offerings like Thousand Island, Balsamic Vinagrette, Ceasar, and Ranch. For each kind of dressing there are options like nonfat, low fat, or low sodium. Then, to add to the mix, there are loads of other combinations or concoctions which might be common across all of the brands are unique to one brand. Of course, each of those specific flavors has options as well. If you haven’t tried all of them, or any of them, how could you possibly know which salad dressing will be the right fit? You might fret that to impulsively choose one dressing could lead to grave disappointment. Perhaps even ruin your salad at home and deter you from returning to salad, or the salad dressing aisle, ever again.

Such an illustration might seem dramatic when it comes to leafy greens, vegetables, and their condiments. Family members, friends, and loved ones of someone who is actively struggling with an addiction, an eating disorder, or another mental or behavioral health issue know the situation all too well. There are over thirty thousand treatment providers in the United States, each offering a very specific program of care. Some offer purely mental health treatment while some offer purely addiction treatment while others may offer co-occurring care for both addiction and mental health, but only for certain disorders. Most treatment centers will employ a similar structure and similar therapy as well as treatment types which have been scientifically proven for efficacy. However, some treatment centers may be faith based, some may be adventure based, some may be strictly clinical, and some may rely entirely on the 12-step model. When you have a loved one who is struggling and may be fighting for their life, making a choice for treatment can be tough. Taking the time to make phone calls, read reviews, work with insurance, and try to pick the best option can be precious time wasted. Picking the wrong program, something that works entirely against a loved one’s needs, can be detrimental, even fatal.

Turning to an organization like O’Connor Professional Group takes the difficulty out of the decision making. Our consultation services help family members find the right treatment program for their loved one. We provide diagnostic assessments for our clients, helping families decide on the best course of treatment, pick a trusted and reliable treatment facility, as well as provide case management to ensure ongoing that the care is helping.

Our concierge style custom care works with the needs of you and your family to create the best possible plan of action for your treatment, recovery, and life. For information on our services and pricing, call us today: (617) 910-3940. We are here to help you focus on healing. Leave the rest to the Professionals.