Addiction and Substance Use

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Interventionist

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Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Interventionist

Families, companies, and organizations spend too much time, energy, and resources trying to intervene in the addicted life of someone they care about. We do the best we can to help the people we see hurting. Surprises, boundaries, hard lines, soft lines, curfews, restrictions, probations, and more- nothing we do seems to work. Though we’ve tried our best to model the interventions we see on movies and TV, our methods fail to accomplish our overall goal: get a loved one to agree to treatment.

Lacking in conviction or passion for the wellbeing of our loved ones is not the problem. There is nothing the matter with who we are, what our intentions are, or the fact we are trying to help. Simply, we aren’t professional interventionists. Some things, like interventions, are better left to the professionals.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of hiring a professional interventionist is that they are not friends with, colleagues of, or family to someone suffering from addiction, alcoholism, or a mental health issue. Humans are prone to the demands of their emotions. Professionals are third party individuals who are not emotionally or financially involved in someone who needs help. Being a strong, centered professional party to the situation helps create healthy boundaries and a calm center.

Professional interventionists are trained and certified in the practice of intervention. Schooling, training, and certifications are required for a professional interventionist to be able to practice. Many interventionists have schooling in psychology and may have additional degrees which qualify them as psychologists, counselors, or other professional positions. Where friends and family members fall short in expertise, a professional can supplement their experience as well as knowledge.

There are multiple ways to stage an intervention. One intervention model does not work for all situations and people. A professional interventionist might be especially skilled in one model and believe in its universality or emphasize the need to explore multiple options. At O’Connor Professional Group, we gather background information on each specific case from other professionals involved like employers, clinical providers, family, and more. After becoming well versed on the individual and the details of their circumstances, we create an intervention proposal, suggesting the protocol we feel will best benefit the individual and everyone involved. Following an intervention, our treatment placement services and case management help families and employers stay involved. From start to finish, OGP is here to support recovery for an array of diagnoses.

Let the O’Connor Professional Group take the guesswork out of putting a treatment plan together. Our combined personal and professional experience empowers us to empower you with a private consultation and customized plan of action for getting the help you need. Call us today for information: 617 910-3940