Benefits of a Summertime Recovery Companion
In order to understand how having a summertime Recovery Companion is beneficial we must first, know, what a Recovery Companion is.
A Recovery Companion in the professional sense is a licensed professional who assists you by overseeing a successful transition that is structured and provides specific direction. A casual Recovery Companion, on the other hand, is generally unlicensed but still highly educated about the substance abuse recovery process. Mental Health recovery generally requires a specialized licensed Recovery Companion but that individual may also hold a specialty in other substance-abuse related specialties such as Addiction Counseling. In either case, a Recovery Companion is effective for individuals setting out to acclimate themselves to daily life and society. A recovery companion provides support in those situations that are often anxiety producing to someone recently recovering from a substance abuse addiction or that has experienced an in-patient psychiatric hospitalization.
Recovery Companions are extremely important to those recovering from addictions and are particularly beneficial to those released from programs during the Summertime. Summertime brings with it many temptations in terms of attending social functions. With many professionals out on extended summertime vacations it assures an individual receives continuous services so there is no interruption in terms of a successful recovery.
Essentially, the job of the Recovery Companion is to ensure after treatment care plans are followed through on (i.e. that your follow-up appointments are kept), they provide clarity and assistance with transitioning to the home environment (and act as a liaison to and for you and your family members) to ensure a successful transition back into the home environment. They may also actually attend social functions with you, if requested, to provide a sense of support when dealing with social situations that are potentially anxiety producing. A Recovery Companion acts as a “right hand man or woman” to you that assures your successful transition back into not only your home, but into society and makes the transition easier for all involved.
Let the O’Connor Professional Group take the guesswork out of putting a treatment plan together. Our combined personal and professional experience empowers us to empower you with a private consultation and customized plan of action for getting the help you need. Call us today for information: 617 910-3940