
Everyone In The Family Can Heal

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Everyone In The Family Can Heal

A loved one going to treatment is a wonderful thing. Typically a family has waited years for their loved one to finally secede to treatment for a mental or behavioral health issue. However, one a loved one starts treatment, the recovery is theirs. Commonly, the family feels as though they too need treatment in some way and that they too deserve to recover.

There are options available which make it possible for the whole family to heal. Most residential treatment centers offer family therapy sessions or family programming which includes family therapy. Families are invited to engage in intensive educational sessions about their loved one’s diagnosis, the brain, the body, and what is needed for recovery. Together, a family and their loved one in recovery can participate in private as well as group therapy, learning from each other and from others. Families find a wealth of healing during these opportunities and build a foundation upon which their family recovery can grow.

Not every family has the chance to go through treatment. Family healing needs to be and can be customized, which is why O’Connor Professional Health Group offers concierge style behavioral health services, like Family Services. Everyone deserves a chance to recover when a loved one starts their journey to recovery. Whatever has affected a loved one, be it addiction, an eating disorder, or another mental illness, has also affected the family. Addiction, for example, is often called a “family disease”. Supporting, loving, fighting with, fighting for, sometimes enabling, sometimes inhibiting, a loved one can be exhausting. Mental illness of any kind takes a toll on the family, which is why the family, too, deserves to heal.

Family services with OPG includes a “dual track concept” in which one of our professional team members individuates the loved one from the family. Both parties have private time with an OPG team member, or multiple team members, to confront, experience, and process their emotions. Often, family members have emotions they’ve never mentioned before or even had the chance to truly realize they were feeling. Having a third party individual, who is a professional, can help loosen the tension and create a safe space for the family to express themselves where needed.

Family services are just one of the many services we offer at O’Connor Professional Group. Our concierge style behavioral health services are custom created and designed to meet the specific needs you, your loved one, and your family has in order for everyone to safely recover. For information, call us today: 617.910.3940